


pn17公司呢,其实就是某间企业达不到bursa malaysia定下的某些条款。


the shareholders’ equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 25% or less of
the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer and
such shareholders’ equity is less than RM40 million;

receivers or managers have been appointed over the asset of the listed issuer, its
subsidiary or associated company which asset accounts for at least 50% of the total
assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;

a winding up of a listed issuer’s subsidiary or associated company which accounts for
at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;

the auditors have expressed an adverse or disclaimer opinion in the listed issuer’s
latest audited financial statements;

the auditors have expressed an emphasis of matter on the listed issuer’s ability to
continue as a going concern in the listed issuer’s latest audited financial statements
and the shareholders’ equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 50% or
less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer;

a default in payment by a listed issuer, its major subsidiary or major associated
company, as the case may be, as announced by a listed issuer pursuant to Practice
Note 1 and the listed issuer is unable to provide a solvency declaration to the

the listed issuer has suspended or ceased -
(i) all of its business or its major business; or
(ii) its entire or major operations,

for any reasons whatsoever including, amongst others, due to or as a result of -

 (aa) the cancellation, loss or non-renewal of a licence, concession or such other
rights necessary to conduct its business activities;

(bb) the disposal of the listed issuer's business or major business; or

(cc) a court order or judgment obtained against the listed issuer prohibiting the
listed issuer from conducting its major operations on grounds of infringement
of copyright of products etc; or

the listed issuer has an insignificant business or operations.





fund低过 total paid up capital的25%(简单而言,公司的实际价值经过连年的亏损后,已经低过一开始投入的资本的25%)








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